Emergency Management


Today’s Fire Danger Rating:


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Community Emergency Response Team (CERT


Naloxone-What to Know


Ambulance Membership Applications-click on link below:

Penn State Health Life Lion LLC Emergency Services Subscription


The following are excerpts from the December 14, 2000, work session that took place with the Board of Supervisors. If either of the following paragraphs applies to you, we would appreciate you contacting the Township. You may reach us by e-mail at: [email protected] or by calling us at (717) 432-3773.

List of Non-Ambulatory Residents:

It was felt that it would be helpful to have a list of those residents that would require special assistance in the event of an emergency. This would include those with major medical concerns, home oxygen, hearing or vision impairment, wheelchair or walker use, etc. By having a list prior to an emergency, the EMA would be able to direct extra help to those in need.

Residents with equipment/skills:

Additional information that would be helpful to know in advance of an/during an emergency would be knowing what residents might have generators, tractors, ATV’s and snowmobiles. Also, any particular skills that people might have for their occupations such as Doctors, Nurses, EMTs, Police Officers, etc.